Gammadda Brings Hope to Rathmalwetiya

The Rathmalvetiya community, which relies on agriculture as its main source of livelihood, is located in the historic city of Anuradhapura. More than 500 families live in Rathmalvetiya, and 220 of its children attend Rathmalvetiya Primary School.

A significant challenge the Rathmalvetiya community has faced for a long time is limited access to pure water. Due to decades of agricultural activity, the groundwater is highly contaminated by agricultural runoff. Consuming contaminated water has resulted in severe health issues within the community, including chronic kidney disease, with 12 patients already diagnosed with CKD.

Recognizing this critical issue, Gammadda swiftly stepped forward to install an RO Water Filtration System in Rathmalvetiya. 

With the generous contributions of Dr. Helani Jayasena from Rajagiriya, Mr. Harsha Dias from Nawala, Ms. Ruki Wijerathne from Colombo 02, and Mr. Ramsin Rasik from Walpola, and with the technical support of the Sri Lanka Navy, an RO Water Filtration System was installed and handed over to the Rathmalvetiya community on April 10, 2024.

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