For decades, the people from the Madukkarai village in the Wakkappattan Grama Niladhari Division in Mannar, were facing serious hardships due to the lack of access to clean drinking water.
Although there is a well in the village, Madukkarai residents had to travel far and wide to fetch water in exchange for money, as the water in the area was high in salinity.
At times, they also had to travel for kilometers to find water to drink.
Proving that there is a proverbial light at the end of every tunnel, Gammadda intervened to provide the village residents with clean drinking water.
The project, funded by the generous donation of a philanthropist, was launched in Mannar on the 11th of June 2022, amid a warm welcome extended by the residents of the area.
The water purification project will focus on putting an end to their sorrows and bring an end to traveling far for water.